Laura Daugereau – Nothing but Class

By: Jerry Bath

Laura comes from Port Gamble, Washington where she owns and operates a family construction business but calls Stockett, Montana home for the fall and winter.

Laura starts training through the summer doing free runs then in the  fall on an exercise carousel in Washigton. Once in Montana they hit the ground running. Training out of the Little Belt, Mountains on  ATVs and then the sled. She has had pretty good conditions for training considering the usual Montana winter with snow, rain, warm spells etc.

As with every musher, life just happens and you need to improvise. In my opinion this is where Laura shines. Always taking it in stride, making adjustments that no one would ever know about.

Laura is a distance musher at heart but has tried her hand at stage racing and is back again to compete in the Pedigree Stage Stop. She is one mushers I am glad to  share the trail with. A true class act.


Bonus feature…what is a carousel?