Hello Pedigree Stage Stop Race Fans,
dang time flies if you are having fun. Stage 4 already today. And what an exiting race this is shaping up to be. We all had a wonderful dinner in the Sothwest Sublette County Pioneer Senior Center. This dinner is a highlight of the Pedigree Stage Stop Race with it’s famous Dutch Oven Desserts.
Race start will be once again at 8.30 a.m. at the Upper Green River Parking Lot and teams are leaving at 3 minute intervals with Chris Adkins leading the charge. Remy Coste is going to be the last team out. Will he run 8 dogs again? Of those 8 dogs he ran 2 days ago, 2 were not 100% up for the task, and today’s stage is even 6 miles longer than the Lander Stage was. Yet, it is not near as hilly, so that could play in favor of Remy’s speedy team. Time will tell how Remy is going to decide.
Anny Malo mentioned that she ran yesterday’s Pinedale Stage faster than she ever has, with 15.9 mph. Both teams have separated themselves from the field by more than 40 minutes, with Cathy Rivest running in 3rd place. Place 3 to 5 are only separated by 3 minutes and 44 seconds. Laura Bontrager and Jess Moore definitely have their sights set on a Top 3 spot!
Yesteday’s split times show an interesting picture. Michael Tetzner 31.59 for the first 8.2 Miles, that was the third fastest runtime. On the way home, he ran the same stretch in 42.13, the second slowest time.
Cathy Rivest on the other hand ran 34.10 for the first 8.2 Miles, about 2 minutes slower than Michael ( and one of the slowest times ) and finished 36.09 for the same last 8.2 Miles about 6 Minutes faster than Michael.

The trails should definitely have set up, and make for fast traveling times again, as its 18F above.
5 a.m. is not my time….. just say’n….