And it begins…

And it begins…

By Jerry Bath

In its TWENTY-FIFTH year, nine competitors will be returning for the upcoming 2020 Pedigree® Stage Stop Race.

The first day of early entries shows nine returning mushers with undoubtedly more to come in the days ahead. They are:

1. Lina Streeper

Lina finished 8th last year and will definitely be ready to reclaim her crown from previous years.

2. Austin Forney

Austin finished 15th last year and has made steady improvement in the last 4 years. I’m sure he’s

gunning for a top 10 finish this year.

3. Chris Adkins

Chris has become a staple in this event finishing in 21st place last year.

4. Tim Thiessen

Tim finished in 20th place in his first Stage Stop Race.

5.  Jeff Conn

Jeff really showed that he has been studying the race with solid improvement every year. Jumping up to 4th place in 2019.

6. Anny Malo

Anny came to Wyoming with determination and grit sticking to her plan every day and it paid off finishing in 1st place.

7. Fernando Ramirez

Fernando showed that he has what it takes and finished strong last year in 17th place.

8. Alix Crittenden

Alix turned in an impressive 3 rd place last year showing she has what it takes with the new format.

9. Allen Berge

Allen had so much fun last year, I knew he would return. Finishing in the 23rd spot.

2019 was the first year of the new format with shorter runs and fewer dogs every day but keeping the same grueling 7 stages. Many teams will change some of their training regimens, dialing in what they learned last year.

From now until August 15, 2019, only mushers who completed the 2019 Pedigree Stage Stop are allowed to sign up. Then from August 16, 2019, through August 31, 2019, any veteran finisher from any previous  Stage Stop can enter. 

Open Entry follows from September 1, 2019, through December 31, 2019. Applications from any qualified musher will be accepted for any open spots. ( See entry rules for exact dates.) Applications must be completed on-line through the race website, accessible at the “Musher Information” page which can be found on the “Race Information” drop-down menu.