7 — Chris Adkins from Sand Coulee, Montana.
Age 53.
Chris’ dad, Terry Adkins, was the only veterinarian on the first Iditarod, and raced it the following year. “I grew up running dogs. Ran my first distance race, the Race To The Sky 500, at 21. If memory serves, I came in fifth, and was the only rookie to finish that year. I tried the stage race in 2010 as a training run for Iditarod and fell in love with the trails of Wyoming. I’ve been coming back whenever I can. In addition, I’ve run races in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Michigan and Alaska. My wife, Shannon and I, with the help of family and friends, operate Mo Betta Sled Dog Racing, a 49-dog kennel on the outskirts of Sand Coulee, Montana. This year, I would like to dedicate my race to my good friend Frank Moe.”