11 — Elliot Rivest from St-Zénon, Québec, Canada.
Age 16.

Elliot is a student living in a family of mushers. Literally. “I was born into a musher family, so I never really ‘started’ in sled dogs but ‘dived’ into it,” he writes. “My first race was in Manitoba when I was six or seven years old. My summer job is to play with the dogs, and take care of them.” His first adult race was the 2018 Eagle Lake Sled Dog Races, a 30 mile event, where his father, mother, and brother all joined him. Last year he won the Pas World Championship junior race. Two years ago he took second place in the 2019 Eukanuba 8-Dog Classic which lit his competitive fire. “That’s the reason I’m here today.”